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Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology

Frequently asked questions

1. Admission


Admission entry requirements

Candidates need to graduate from high school or equivalent, participate and pass the national university entrance exam with the subject groups: Math, Physics, Chemistry (A00 - Group A); or Math, Physics, English (A01 - Group A1), or PTIT’s own admission methods.


2024 Admission quota

The 2024 admission quota for the program is 100 students.


Which subjects group are eligible?

Admission subject groups are: A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry) or A01 (Math, Physics, English).

2. Degree - Certificate


Program duration

The duration of the Vietnam - Japan IT Engineer program is 4.5 years.


What level of Japanese language proficiency will students achieve?

After graduation, students will achieve JLPT N3 level.


What degree will graduates receive?

Graduates will receive the Vietnam - Japan IT Engineer degree awarded by PTIT.


Will students study in Vietnam or Japan?

Students will study at PTIT in Vietnam for 4.5 years. The program offers opportunities for internships and practical work at Japanese industrial partners.

3. Program detail


What are the program's highlight?

Graduates will be able to pass the IT Passport and IT FE exams. These are the basic IT engineer certifications in Japan. Holding these certifications provides many advantages, such as bonus points when applying to IT companies, especially Japanese IT companies, or bonus points when applying for a Kodo visa/permanent residence visa in Japan.


How can students access the Japanese IT industry?

Students will have the opportunity to participate in a series of workshops with leading technology experts from Japanese companies. Additionally, students can transfer to study at PTIT’s partner universities if they meet the requirements set by these institutions.


Extracurricular activities

Students will participate in annual extracurricular activities, especially cultural exchange activities in Japan. Furthermore, students also have the opportunity for practical internships at Japanese companies.


What are the internship opportunities?

The program includes practical internship with an industrial semester in Japan and Vietnam. Companies will accompany students to work on projects and products, helping students get acquainted with the working environment and develop unique products to enhance their CVs in the future.

4. Job opportunities


Job opportunities after graduation

- Web application, mobile application developers;
- Quality assurance, business analyst, system analyst;
- Database and computer network expert;
- System design expert, software project management;
- Cybersecurity specialist.


What is the salary expectation after graduation?

The salary after graduation can reach up to >500 million VND/year. Additionally, students are guaranteed employment upon graduating from the Vietnam - Japan IT Engineer Program.

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